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DQ7_criminal law

DQ7_criminal law

Q Sexual offender registration is a controversial topic for discussion. There are several news stories dealing with sex offenders. What are the legal and practical problems with these laws? a. What are the legal and practical problems with these laws? b. Who should be required to register? c. Should there be national uniformity? (A federal law?)

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I have read some stories related to this matter about the laws related to the sexual crimes as most of them state the same thing that the laws are filled with loopholes which are the reason are more problems rather than solving the existing one, sexual assaults or crimes. Even the disgusting crime like molestation of a child gets complicated and the accused gets free release because of the problems related to the laws regarding this. Deborah Jacobs (1999) has stresses on the rising graph of sex crimes committed against the children in USA and how the government is failing to take any preventive action against the sexual abuse against children.